Why Coltura Was Born


So this company started its legs walking the farmers markets like every young hungry person with distinct palette and a desire to fine true Organic foods. The passion didn’t just happen overnight. Raised in family restaurants and watching the mindfulness explode of what we are putting in our bodies today, the expectations and quality are at an all time high. But that’s nothing new these days, standing behind all these cool new brands are young faces thriving for that same quality. And that’s where Coltura Foods was born.

Not too long ago was it made clear that these fresh new brands with elite ingredients needed help sustaining this crazy market of sourcing Non-GMO ingredients. The energy to provide these companies comes from more than passion of food but to bring back quality, assist young respectable companies to compete and aid to serve the masses with real good food. Funny this article sums it up, check it out….


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Happy Holidays!